Ok now i know i must be mad trying my hand at tut writing, but you only live once so go for it lol
Well here it is, it called Green Goddess and i hope you like it its a very simple tut and all beginners should be able to follow it without any porblems
Green Goddess
Scrap kit
HERE By Scraps By Jessica
A Tube of choice
3 masks of choice
Eye candy 4
Choose 3 papers from Envious kit, open new image 680 by 600(resizing later) Copy and paste as new layer, apply 1st mask.
2nd paper copy paste as new layer, resize 80%, add 2nd mask of choice.
Do exactly the same to the 3rd paper but this time resize by 70% add 3rd mask of choice.
Change the top layer to overlay, merge visible.
Now add your tube of choice, resize if need be and add drop shadow of choice.
Add frame one, resize 90% add drop shadow, if you are having your tube part in part out of the frame. I find it easier to duplicate the tube, move the duplicate tube layer above the frame and erase the parts you don’t want showing, then on the original tube layer erase the parts that are showing on the duplicate layer(did that make sense...)
Now place the glitter doodle to bottom left hand corner and add drop shadow of choice
Then add the flower sprig green resize 70% image mirror and place on top of the glitter doodle don’t forget your drop shadow.
Add the flower sprig white image resize 60% image mirror and place on top of the green flower spring, move it just so it’s off the green flowers
Now place the bow and gem on top of the stem part of the flower sprigs add a drop shadow. Place the tag on top of the bow and gem and then move below, add drop shadow of choice, use the deform tool to move it to an angle you like. Mine is slightly up to the right.
Add name or wording in a pretty font of choice and a thin gradient glow of green using eye candy 4.
And then add your drop shadow.
Crop and thenmerge visible, resize to size of tag you prefer i like mine fairly large, but each to their own.
Don’t forget to add the correct © details for the tube.